Animal Exportation

Mice Exportation to outside of Hong Kong

Step 1: User to confirm a date of export organized with their preferred courier before beginning the process.

Step 2: User to submit the application form AF300 (HCA Application form) and required fee (please refer to AFCD fee schedule here: 654hkd for consignment of up to 50 hkd + 1850hkd for government visit) to the AFCD office.

Step 3: User to provide LAF with the following information:

  1. Destination of export
  2. Number of mice to be exported and their location in LAF (zone, room, rack), with cage cards appropriately tagged for examination by the Attending Veterinarian.

Step 4:  User to complete the following forms and submit them to the LAF office for endorsement by the Attending Veterinarian and arrangement of a government official inspection. The government official inspection will be done within 24 hours prior to date of export.

  1. UN109
  2. Attachment 3 (for mainland China only)
  3. LAF Health certificate for exporting animals
  4. Application for Sanitary Certificate for Products of Animal Origin (For embryo export only)
  5. Packing list
  6. Invoice
  7. Import License from export destination (for SPF laboratory mice)
  8. Any other import requirement from the export destination

Contact: Dr. Dawn NGAI (email: