Step 1: Read the corresponding training materials including:
- Mouse users: Mouse Handling Training
- Rat users: Rat Handling Training
- Rabbit users: Rabbit Handling Training
- All users:
- LAF Animal User Manual
- General Animal User Training
Please sign and return the corresponding LAF and Animal User Agreement to LAF ( for the completion of this self-learning Step 1, while requesting the next training Step 2, i.e. facility orientation and hands-on training.
- LAF and Animal (Mouse) User Agreement
- LAF and Animal (Rat) User Agreement
- LAF and Animal (Rabbit) User Agreement
Links to the List of User Training Materials and LAF and Animal User Agreements are password protected). Please contact LAF for the password required.
Step 2: Arrange for orientation by emailing our office ( Assessment on knowledge on the training material will be performed at orientation.
Step 3: Users who show proficient knowledge on training materials will be provided with a practical training. Users will be required to demonstrate sufficient practical skills before accessing LAF.